Thursday, 23 August 2012

Unit 4 Research Website addresses

Inclusive Practice- All Units

Link to SCIE publications on exclusive practice.

Winterbourne Care Home Report SCIE- Unit 4,XF45,6ZLTB3,2RYWR,1

Conflicts Scenario- Unit 5

Unit 5 Conflicts

A service user in a residential care setting wishes to make their way to a concert which is being held in another city. In discussion with your manager, and when reviewing their care plan, it is decided that they must be accompanied by a member of the care staff. The service user is adamant that they will go alone to the concert, and refuses to accept  the recommendation, that  they can only go to the concert if the staff member goes with them.

1.    Describe the potential conflicts and dilemmas that could arise from this situation?

2.    How would you manage risks associated with conflicts and dilemmas between an  individuals rights and the duty of care?

3.    Where can you get additional support for advice on conflicts and dilemmas?  

Inclusive/Exclusive Practice Case Study -Unit 3

Inclusive practice
Smith’s court is a dual registered care home with approximately 30 residents.
Outside of the care home, there is a piece of grassland, which both the  owner’s and residents  of the home are keen to turn into a garden for the resident’s enjoyment.
The budget for the garden is being met from the residents welfare fund, used for trips/outings and special events.
The manager of the home discusses with the residents the type of garden they would like to see, and is clear that the money will come from the residents welfare fund, so all decisions need to be made by all residents.
The manager suggests the residents set up a focus group to plan out they type of garden they would like to see created, and perhaps send out a survey/questionnaire to all residents to gain their views.
The focus group includes residents of all abilities, and they ensure that they speak to all other  residents to gain their views on the garden.
The group member’s feedback to the manager, is  that the residents would like a sensory garden…ensuring visual, tactile and olfactonary plants, and that raised beds to be incorporated for residents with less mobility. All residents have feedback that they would like seating areas to be incorporated.
Residents had fed-back, that they wished to be involved in the garden with planting including the choosing and planting of plants and shrubs, maintenance of beds and watering, and would leave larger jobs to a nominated gardener.  Some residents have fed-back that they would like to recommend a gardener for this role, and the focus group decide to set up a tender for the remaining gardening work.

Exclusive Practice
Smith’s court is a dual registered care home with approximately 30 residents.
Outside of the care home, there is a piece of grassland, which owners of the home are keen to turn into a garden for the resident’s enjoyment.

The manager decides that the piece of land would look good with a pond and some koi carp , and some rose bushes planted around the exterior of the grass, with the grass cut to a manageable length. She has her garden at home like this, and thinks the residents will like this.
The manager sets up a meet with a local gardener and discusses the plans for the garden, and agrees the cost of the work and a date for this to go ahead. She plans to speak to two residents who are able bodied and of sound mind, about them taking responsibility for the upkeep and maintenance of the garden when it is completed.
The manager asks the gardener to keep the work a surprise until it is finished.
6 weeks later the manager invites the local mayor and some residents to an event to open the garden.

Compare these two inclusive/exclusive practices. In your comparison, make sure you CLEARLY compare the two cases fully.

Unit 7 Case Study

Unit 7 -3.1- 3.3

Gina is an nurse in a busy surgical day care unit. She notices Mrs. Saara, scheduled for surgery, has not signed the consent form. These forms are usually signed in advance in the surgeon’s office or pre-admission clinic.
Gina tries to verify that Mrs. Saara has consented but has difficulty communicating with her. Mrs. Saara smiles and nods at Gina’s questions, but speaks little English and does not seem to understand. There are no friends or family members available to interpret for Mrs. Saara. The doctor calls for the patient and Gina explains the situation.
She is told “don’t worry about it, the surgeon explained everything to the patient when her son was with her, all you need to do is to get her to sign the form and witness her signature.”
When Gina objects, she is told “Why are you making such a big deal out of this? Nurses witness signatures all the time! Our hospital policy says any staff member can witness a signature.”

Explain how to establish consent for this action?
What steps would you need to take if consent cannot be readily established?
Describe factors that influence the capacity of an individual to express consent?

Single Complaints System- Unit 4 &5

The new Single Complaints System
There is now a single complaints system for all health and adult social care services. This came into effect on 1 April 2009. The new procedure is set out in the Local Authority Social Services and National Health Service Complaints (England) Regulations 2009.
The new system covers complaints against Local Authorities, NHS hospitals, Primary Care Trusts and independent providers. GP practices are incorporated into Primary Care Trusts. These are known as “responsible bodies”.
Under the new procedure, each responsible body must make arrangements for dealing with complaints. These arrangements must ensure that:
  • Complaints are dealt with efficiently;
  • Complaints are properly investigated;
  • Complainants are treated with respect and courtesy;
  • Complainants receive, as far as possible, assistance to help them understand the procedure and advice on where to obtain such assistance;
  • Complainants receive a timely and appropriate response;
  • Complainants are told the outcome of the investigation of their complaint; and
  • Action is taken if necessary.
Each responsible body must designate a person to be responsible for ensuring compliance with the complaints procedure. In the case of a Local Authority or NHS body this will be the Chief Executive. The responsible body must also designate a person to be a complaints manager to be responsible for managing the complaints procedure.
A complaint can be made by a person who receives or has received services from a responsible body or by a person who is affected or is likely to be affected by the action, omission or decision of the responsible body which is the subject of the complaint. A person can make a complaint on behalf of a person who has died, is a child, is unable to act because of physical or mental incapacity or if they have been asked to do so by that person.
If a complaint relates to services provided by more than one responsible body, the different organisations must co-operate with each other in handling the complaint and ensuring that the complainant receives a co-ordinated response. Each body must provide the other with relevant information and attend at any meetings which are reasonably required. Where a Local Authority considers that a complaint relates to care home standards, it must obtain the consent of the complainant before it contacts the relevant care home. If the complaint relates to social care, consent is required before details can be sent to the social care provider.
The time limit for making a complaint is 12 months from the date on which the relevant matters occurred or the date on which the matter came to the notice of the complainant. This time limit does not apply if the responsible body is satisfied that there were good reasons for not making the complaint earlier and it is still possible to investigate the complaint properly.
In many cases a problem can be dealt with quickly by speaking directly to the person involved in providing the medical treatment or care services, without the need to make a formal complaint. However, if the matter cannot be dealt with in this way then it will need to be investigated as a complaint.
A complaint can be made orally, in writing or electronically. Where the complaint is made orally, the responsible body must make a written record of the complaint and provide a copy to the complainant. The responsible body must acknowledge the complaint within 3 working days after the date of receipt. The responsible body must offer to discuss with the complainant the way in which the complaint is to be handled and the period within which the investigation is likely to be completed and a response sent. If the complainant does not wish to discuss this, the responsible body must decide itself.
The responsible body must investigate the complaint as quickly and efficiently as possible and keep the complainant informed of progress. As soon as reasonably practicable after the end of the investigation, the responsible body must send the complainant a written response which must include an explanation of how the complaint has been considered and the conclusions reached. The responsible body must also confirm that it is satisfied that action needed has been taken or will be taken. In addition, the complainant must be informed of their right to take their complaint to the Health Service Ombudsman and/or the Local Government Ombudsman if they are not satisfied with the outcome. If the responsible body fails to send the complainant the response within 6 months of the date the complaint was made, it must explain why and send a response as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter.
3. The role of the Health Service Ombudsman
In England, if the above procedures fail to resolve a complaint about health care, a complainant may appeal to the Health Service Ombudsman (officially called the Parliamentary and Health Service Commissioner). If the complaint also concerns social care then the Local Government Ombudsman will jointly review the case (see below). The Ombudsman is entirely independent of the NHS and of the Government. The Ombudsman is not obliged to investigate every complaint referred to him or her and will not generally take on a case which has not been through the single complaints procedure. He or she will not investigate a complaint which is the subject of legal proceedings. Strict time limits apply. In particular a complaint must be made within 12 months of the date of the relevant events unless there are special reasons for the delay.
The Ombudsman can investigate complaints about poor treatment or service provided through the NHS.
If the Ombudsman does find a fault has occurred with your case then they can get the organisation to:
  • provide an explanation and acknowledgement of what went wrong; and
  • take action to put the matter right, including giving you an apology.
Where the Ombudsman finds serious faults with the organisation they can also recommend that:
  • changes are made in the way the organisation works so that similar things don't happen again;
  • lessons are learnt from things that have gone wrong; and
  • compensation should be made for a financial loss or for the inconvenience or worry you have been caused.
Please note that the Ombudsman does not have any formal power to enforce their recommendations but they are almost always followed.
The Ombudsman can be contacted at:
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
Millbank Tower

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Communication Unit 1

Link to SCIE website communication articles.

Safeguarding- Unit 4

Set of films from SCIE around safeguarding in different health and social care settings.

Welcome to Level 3 Blogger

Welcome to Building Futures East -NCFE Level 3 Certificate for Preparing to Work in Adult Social Care blogger!

My name is Tracy Woollett and I am the tutor for this course.

 Blogger is a tool for learners to leave feedback after every teaching session and to receive feedback  from myself.
 I will post links to documents/journals.. etc ;  that will assist you in your assignments and the blog spot is a good place for  learners to offer peer support and good practice ideas that can be shared with the group.