Friday 21 September 2012

Appeals Procedure -All Courses


Step 1:
If you disagree with an assessment decision, in the first instance you should discuss this with your assessor.

Step 2:
Having discussed your concern if you are not satisfied with the assessment decision you may then appeal to your internal verifier.  You should complete a candidate’s appeal form and submit it to Admin Services.

The I.V. will within one month of the assessment review the details of your appeal and then give feedback within fourteen days.

Step 3:
If you still do not agree with the decision then you may appeal with your Centre Manager.  You should do this in writing to outlining your concern.  The Centre Manager will respond within 14 days of receipt of your appeal.

Step 4:
If you are not satisfied with your Centre Manager’s decision then you may make a final appeal to the External Verifier of the Awarding Body.

Assessor:                              Tracy Woollett

Internal Verifier:                   Diane Pringle

External Verifier:                 Jennifer Woods

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