Monday 4 February 2013

Monday 4th February

Hi All

Many thanks for today- some really good self-directed learning taking place.

Congratulations to you all in the Quiz, and to Pauline for suggesting the whole team shared the prize.

See you next Monday



  1. Today we just finished complaints assignment and how deal with a complaint.We had self study with unit 6, which covered partnership working and relationship working questions sheet.Also we had review with Tracy and end of the session we did Quiz which refresh us mind about us passed units. I really enjoyed this lesson was so interesting. See u all next Monday.

  2. worked on complaints assignment this week, how too make and deal with complaints, timescales etc... also started unit 6 on personal/working relationships. enjoyeed the quiz which refereshed my memory a bit on previous work. good session, looking forward to next week :-)
