Monday 12 November 2012

12th November 2012

Wel done to you for persevering with the research- I know the legislation can be very "wordy" so well done for wading through it and simplifying it into your assignments.

Your assignments need to be in for next week and we will DEFINATELY do the presentations next week.

Keep up the good work!!



  1. i enjoyed this weeks session. we got to finish our work on legislations and also work on our presentation which we will be doing this monday, im a little nervous about doing my presentation as ive never done one before so fingers crossed it all goes well. see you all monday

  2. This week a seession was good.We just finised our work on legisletion and we also had a disscus in the group about presentation. We shared work and we will do presentation on Monday.See u all on Monday.

  3. good week this week, finished off our presentations for monday, also done more research on legislation etc... thought back to previous work as done alot on this before :-)
